Building disaster resilience
HWC has supported FEMA's National Flood Insurance and RiskMAP programs to build household and community resilience. We use behavioral science, plain-language communications, stakeholder engagement platforms, and technical and digital tools to help reduce the risk of loss from flooding and other hazards.
Building economic resilience
We help the Small Business Administration equitably distribute and manage grants to small businesses hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. We support financial and programmatic grants management, engage and support grantees and other stakeholders, and provide analytical expertise.
Building public health resilience
We've provided scientific, technical, and administrative support to the DHS CWMD Office, FEMA's CBRN Office, the BioWatch program, and the HHS preparedness and response mission through ASPR. Our work has helped build resilience to bioterrorism, CBRN threats, and pandemics.
Building cyber resilience
HWC has supported CISA since its inception and worked within the DHS Office of Infrastructure Protection since 2007. We provide policy analysis, program management, data analysis, and intelligence analysis to improve cybersecurity and build cyber resilience.